All FastTrack Options

Use of a config file

Instead of needing to include every option you wish to cusotomize as a command line entry, you can set them in a config file, and pass it to the fasttrack command with config. For example

# config.yml file
audio: speaker.wav
textgrid: speaker.TextGrid
dest: results
entry_classes: SequenceInterval
target_tier: phones
target_labels: "..1"
smoother_order: 6
# at the command line: 
fasttrack audio-textgrid --config config.yml

Command specific options

Just Audio Options

Option Meaning
file A single audio file to process
dir A directory of audio files to process

Audio + TextGrid Options

Option Meaning
audio Path to an audio file to process
textgrid Path to a textgrid to process

Shared Options

The Following options are general across most fasttrack commands.

Output Destinations

Option Meaning
output Output file name
dest Output directory

If an output file name is not provided, fasttrack will try to use a reasonable name based on the input audio file name.

Output Options

Option Meaning Default
which_output Whether to save just the winning track (winner) or all candidates (all) winner
data_output Whether to save the formant tracks (formants) or the smoothing parameters (param) formants
separate_output When processing a corpus, save each file/group to a separate file? False

TextGrid Processing Options

Option Meaning Default
entry_classes Format of the TextGrid. "Word|Phone"
target_tier The tier to target for processing Phone
target_labels A regex for the labels to target for processing "[AEIOU]"


  • If your textgrid is not the output of a forced-aligner, change the entry_classes value to SequenceInterval and the value of target_tier to whatever the tier name is that you want to process.
  • Any string that can be interpreted as a regular expression can be passed to processing.

Audio Processing Options

Option Meaning Default
min_duration The minumum duration segment to analyze 0.05 (s)
min_max_formant The lowest maximum formant to try 4000(hz)
max_max_formant The highest maximum formant to try 7000(hz)
nstep The number of steps between the lowest and the highest maximum formant 20
n_formants The number of formants to try to track in the audio 4
window_length The formant analysis window length 0.025 (s)
time_step The formant analysis step size 0.002 (s)
pre_emphasis_from Pre-emphasis to be applied before formant tracking 50 (hz)

Smoother Options

Option Meaning Default
smoother_method The smoothing method to use. It’s not recommended you change this from the default. dct_smooth_regression
smoother_order The “order” of the smooth. More is wigglier. 5
loss_method Method for calculating the error between the smooth and measured formants. It’s not recommended that you change the default lmse